The Pelvic Floor


On September 20th, 2024 from 12:30 to 1:00 PM EST on Zoom, Β Kathy Kates, a Boston based family nurse practitioner and expert on pelvic and sexual pain is presenting: β€œThe Pelvic Floor Demystified : a Key Component of Sexual Health.”

On September 20th, 2024 from 12:30 to 1:00 PM EST on Zoom, Kathy Kates, a Boston-based family nurse practitioner and expert on pelvic and sexual pain is presenting: β€œThe Pelvic Floor Demystified: a Key Component of Sexual Health.” 

This is specifically designed to empower mental health clinicians.


  • What is the pelvic floor, and what does it do?
  • Just like you can get a knot (aka tight muscles) in your neck, you can get a knot/tight muscles in your pelvic floor. How tight pelvic floor muscles can cause entry pain and deeper pain with sex.
  • Out-of-the-box treatment options that can help.

Q & A: There will be time for questions!

We can’t wait to see you at the webinar - please invite your colleagues, too!Β 

Kathy Kates, NP is available as a partner to support your patients/clients. You can find her clinical practice at Pelvic Health Support. You can find incredible clinician pelvic health resources at The Institute for Pelvic Health and on YouTube.