Gear Up for 2025!
In Person, Full Day Retreat
Saturday, February 8, 2025
South Morro Hills, San Diego, California.
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Register today!Gear Up For 2025!
Gear up for 2025! is offered and led by Maria Mellano, a psychotherapist, coach, and psychodramatist with nearly 30 years of experience in the transformational, healing field. Maria was born and raised in a flower growing family celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. The aspirational roots to bloom run deep and hold unique personal meaning for her.
To Gear Up means to get ready!
This retreat is designed to get you ready for the new year.
It offers a Value-based, Intention-aligned, Purpose-driven (VIP) focus for harmonizing the following six key areas essential for building a successful life: Economics, Emotional, Love, Mental, Physical, and Spiritual. Through the VIP focus we create a Value-based, Intention-aligned, Purpose-driven approach to blooming a life you truly love.
We dig deep and get to work on discovering what really matters to you personally, which extends to community and the world. In alignment with what you really care about, we get real about who and how you are truly being, and the results this is creating. Our lives are like gardens, and the growth and health we experience depends on how we tend to the field of our lives as a whole. How and who we are being determines everything. It is an immersive, experiential, and insightful program guiding you to create your life, consciously.
Through this workshop's VIP journey taking a Value-based, Intention-aligned, Purpose-driven approach, we distill needs and create clarity for cultivating a life well-lived.
This retreat is perfect for anyone interested in living a satisfying life of impact and consciously growing a lasting legacy and true happiness.
This retreat will empower you to bloom a Value-based, Intention-aligned, Purpose-driven life that you truly love
This retreat will apply a VIP approach to harmonizing six key areas for achieving a successful life: economics, emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, and love.
Throughout the day, we will be inspired by the spectacular natural views of the South Morro Hills Valley from the Rancho Vera Cruz Estate.
Starts at 9:00 AM
You're welcome to arrive by 8:30 AM to meet, enjoy the beautiful surroundings, and begin connecting in the courtyard. Coffee & tea with some fruit and pastries will be served. Water will be provided throughout the day as well.
We will begin the program at 9:00 AM with a short, guided meditation, and journaling and experiential exercise. We will warm up to our hopes for the retreat and to each other as a group. What we focus on expands, and we will be weaving anchoring, distilling and and attending to this this throughout the retreat. This will deepen and evolve the creating process.
Following sharing about hopes is a review of your year, broken down by seasons. We will keep a keen eye out for gains and achievements, as well as getting real about stuck areas in your life. From there, we dig deeper into the six key pillars for a life well-lived and assess what's working and not working in those areas. This organically brings to light your wish-list for what could make a true difference for fulfillment and satisfaction in your life overall and for what is needed specifically in each area. This reflection and discovery process is enhanced by the Bloom a VIP Life workbook written this retreat and provided to you as part of your participation.
Discern your unique version of what I call the Scarcity Matrix, the ego/inner driven trap that keeps us stuck in recurring patterns that keep our lives small and keeps us suffering in prisons of our own making. Honor the cost the gain from this pattern. Acknowledge and honor what there is to be with. Cause the opening for a possibility for something new, going forward. Clarify the values that really matter to you. Acknowledge and honor the work and discoveries from the morning.
Lunch is included and will ordered from the Z Cafe in Bonsall.
Starts at 2:00 PM
We will have a conversation about forgiveness, resentment, and regret. We will experience journaling and sharing exercises for letting go and cultivating healing and resilience.
Discern your VIP Focus word for your year. Distill your needs and committed actions you can take to address those needs in the most important areas of your life. Contemplate bring in more of the what I call the basics of being: - breath/breathing (connecting us to everything), balance (embracing as a life practice), boundaries (learning the art of saying yes, no, and let me think about it...) and body (vehicle for our soul's life on this planet).
We tie up the day's work through meaningful sharing and a with closure ritual to integrate and anchor what has been created retreat. We acknowledge and honor the gifts you shared and received from the experience.
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Harness the power of honoring your value.
Value is the regard that something is held to deserve or its importance, worth, or usefulness. The value we afford to someone or something is based on perception. It also means a person's principles or standards of behavior about what one judges as important in life, leading to what a person is committed to fulfilling. Our values are expressed through our actions based on our interpretations, which depend on our level of consciousness. Simply put, if we have a low value for ourselves, we perceive ourselves as deserving less and compare ourselves to others through this lens. This is the thief of joy. Values are based on what we truly feel, think, and care about - in essence, what we deem as worthy. Everything stems from this internal base and is aligned with our identity and self experience, and what meaning is made of this and what it then gets attached to.
Harness the power of honoring intention.
Intention is a state of mind or mindset representing an aim, and a way of being one is committed to embodying and enacting. An intention is like the container that holds one's commitment to a desired outcome. With a plan of action to realize the aim of the intention, it can be realized. Intention created out of one's commitment with actual steps for bringing it life is needed to fulfill one's intention. Even more powerful is to create through the intention as if the outcome is inevitable, practicing thanks for it as if it has already been fulfilled. Intention is what we bring our life-force towards. Our energy, attention and actions move in the direction we point our focus and our personal compass is honed by the power we bring it through intention. What we focus on expands - so where you put your attention is where and how our intention comes to life in the world.
Harness the power of honoring purpose.
Purpose is why something is done, created, caused, or exists. Purpose is our reason for being - and when our life lacks this, we are in trouble. Purpose is the motivation or inspiration for being; without this, we simply drift. And, like value, it is an interpretation based on our level of consciousness, and is malleable. Purpose is an enduring intention for your life based on your most profound commitment to being alive. It is your soul's journey - your mission. It is your BIG WHY, a north star guiding your life’s direction. We become unstoppable when we base our lives on a high-quality, deeply committed, purposeful reason for being. Purpose is the fuel that drives us, lights us up, keeps us going, and gives our mission its juice to flow. It's the oil in the lantern burning, guiding us along our journey. It's what makes our heart and soul sing and keeps us on the court in the game of life. Our purpose is the point of our lives. Our intentions bring focus to this point, and this empowers our inner compass guiding the purposeful direction we move our lives.
Movement session.
Massage available throughout the day - book directly and pay for directly.
Lunch be provided and ordered from the Z Cafe in Bonsall.
Complimentary refreshments will be served for chilling and celebrating the adventure and discovery of the day.