Integral Bloom is proud to support talented clinicians interested in thriving in private practice. It is a space dedicated to trauma-informed, evidenced-based practice by licensed professionals with unique interests, gifts and training. We value community and are a stand for decolonization, healing, and restorative justice.
Integral is proud to offer space for ontological life empowerment coaching. The coaches in my practice currently specialize in finding serenity no matter the circumstance and honoring the sacred gifts available to us through honoring the sacred journey of grief.
To Gear Up means to get ready!
This retreat is designed to get you ready for the new year.
It offers a Value-based, Intention-aligned, Purpose-driven (VIP) focus for harmonizing the following six key areas essential for building a successful life: Economics, Emotional, Love, Mental, Physical, and Spiritual. Through the VIP focus we create a Value-based, Intention-aligned, Purpose-driven approach to blooming a life you truly love.
This retreat is perfect for anyone interested in living a satisfying life of impact and consciously growing a lasting legacy and true happiness.