Who we are.

Hello! I am Maria Mellano - a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker and Certified Psychodramatist in practice since 1999. I specialize in helping highly sensitive people make sense of their insights and experiences to live highly purposeful lives they authentically love. I call this, living a VIP life - a values-based, intention-aligned, purpose driven life you truly love.

Meet the coaches, therapists and behind the scenes support who make my practice bloom.

Meet Maria Mellano

As therapists, we are committed to excellence in trauma-informed, experiential, somatic, humanistic and evidence based therapeutic practice.

Meet the Therapists

As coaches, we are committed to empowering your life through ontological offerings to be with any circumstances in full choice.

Meet the Coaches

Without my behind the scenes operations team, Integral Bloom would not exist. Meet those special beings who make things work and bloom.

Meet the Operations Team

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We send out a monthly EZINE with offerings, a fresh blog devoted to living a VIP - values-based, intention-aligned, and purpose driven life you love, and more...

I hope you'll join the list to bloom.